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Share: Super Globals Requests: Array ( ) Server: Array ( ) Options and Features permastruct: federation-anapedys-forum use_home_url: 0 url: Array ( [title] => Fédération Anapedys Forum [description] => Fédération Anapedys Forum de discussion [lang] => 1 [menu_position] => 23 ) pageid:14 default_groupid: 3 Array ( [layout_qa_intro_topics_toggle] => 1 [layout_extended_intro_topics_toggle] => 1 [layout_qa_intro_topics_count] => 3 [layout_extended_intro_topics_count] => 5 [layout_qa_intro_topics_length] => 90 [layout_extended_intro_topics_length] => 45 [display_current_viewers] => 1 [layout_threaded_intro_topics_toggle] => 0 [layout_threaded_display_subforums] => 1 [layout_threaded_intro_topics_count] => 10 [layout_threaded_intro_topics_length] => 0 [layout_threaded_filter_buttons] => 1 [layout_threaded_add_topic_button] => 1 ) Array ( [layout_extended_intro_posts_toggle] => 1 [layout_extended_intro_posts_count] => 4 [layout_extended_intro_posts_length] => 50 [recent_posts_type] => topics [tags] => 1 [max_tags] => 5 [tags_per_page] => 100 [topics_per_page] => 10 [edit_topic] => 1 [edit_post] => 1 [eot_durr] => 0 [dot_durr] => 0 [posts_per_page] => 15 [eor_durr] => 0 [dor_durr] => 0 [max_upload_size] => 10485760 [display_current_viewers] => 1 [display_recent_viewers] => 1 [display_admin_viewers] => 1 [attach_cant_view_msg] => Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à afficher cette pièce-jointe [layout_threaded_posts_per_page] => 5 [layout_qa_posts_per_page] => 15 [layout_qa_comments_limit_count] => 3 [layout_qa_first_post_reply] => 1 [layout_threaded_nesting_level] => 5 [layout_threaded_first_post_reply] => 0 [union_first_post] => Array ( [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 1 [4] => 0 ) [search_max_results] => 100 [topic_body_min_length] => 2 [topic_body_max_length] => 0 [post_body_min_length] => 2 [post_body_max_length] => 0 [comment_body_min_length] => 2 [comment_body_max_length] => 0 ) Array ( [online_status_timeout] => 240 [members_per_page] => 15 [url_structure] => nicename [search_type] => search [login_url] => [register_url] => [lost_password_url] => [redirect_url_after_login] => [redirect_url_after_register] => [redirect_url_after_confirm_sbscrb] => [custom_title_is_on] => 1 [default_title] => Membre [rating] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [points] => 0 [title] => Nouveau membre [color] => #d2d2d2 [icon] => far fa-star-half ) [1] => Array ( [points] => 5 [title] => Membre actif [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [2] => Array ( [points] => 20 [title] => Membre éminent [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [3] => Array ( [points] => 50 [title] => Membre de confiance [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [4] => Array ( [points] => 100 [title] => Membre estimable [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [5] => Array ( [points] => 250 [title] => Membre de bonne réputation [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [6] => Array ( [points] => 500 [title] => Membre d\\\'honneur [color] => #e5d600 [icon] => fas fa-certificate ) [7] => Array ( [points] => 750 [title] => Membre éminent [color] => #e5d600 [icon] => fas fa-certificate ) [8] => Array ( [points] => 1000 [title] => Membre noble [color] => #e5d600 [icon] => fas fa-certificate ) [9] => Array ( [points] => 2500 [title] => Membre célèbre [color] => #ff812d [icon] => fas fa-shield-alt ) [10] => Array ( [points] => 5000 [title] => Membre illustre [color] => #e04a47 [icon] => fas fa-trophy ) ) [rating_title_ug] => Array ( [5] => 1 [4] => 1 [3] => 1 ) [rating_badge_ug] => Array ( [1] => 1 [5] => 1 [4] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 ) [title_usergroup] => Array ( [1] => 1 [5] => 1 [4] => 1 [2] => 1 ) [title_second_usergroup] => Array ( [3] => 1 ) ) Array ( [from_name] => Apedys - Forum [from_email] => [admin_emails] => [new_topic_notify] => 1 [new_reply_notify] => 1 [confirmation_email_subject] => Veuillez confirmer l\'abonnement à [entry_title] [confirmation_email_message] => Bonjour [member_name]!Merci de vous inscrire.Il s\'agit d\'une réponse automatiséeIl s\'agit d\'une réponse automatiséeIl s\'agit d\'une réponse automatiséeIl s\'agit d\'une réponseautomatisée - [entry_title].Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour compléter cette étape.[confirm_link] [new_topic_notification_email_subject] => Nouveau sujet [new_topic_notification_email_message] => Bonjour [member_name]!Un nouveau sujet a été créé sur votre forum abonné - [forum].[topic_title][topic_desc] Si vous souhaitez vous désabonner de ce forum, veuillez utiliser le lien ci-dessous.[unsubscribe_link] [new_post_notification_email_subject] => Nouvelle réponse [new_post_notification_email_message] => Bonjour [member_name]!Une nouvelle réponse a été postée sur votre sujet abonné - [topic].[reply_title][reply_desc] Si vous souhaitez vous désabonner de cette rubrique, veuillez utiliser le lien ci-dessous.[unsubscribe_link] [report_email_subject] => Forum Post Rapport [report_email_message] => Details du rapport:Raport: [reporter], Message: [message],[post_url] [overwrite_new_user_notification_admin] => 1 [wp_new_user_notification_email_admin_subject] => [blogname] Enregistrement d\'un nouvel utilisateur [wp_new_user_notification_email_admin_message] => Enregistrement d\'un nouvel utilisateur sur votre site [blogname]:Nom d\'utilisateur : [user_login]Courriel : [user_email] [overwrite_new_user_notification] => 1 [wp_new_user_notification_email_subject] => [blogname] Vos informations de nom d\'utilisateur et mot de passe [wp_new_user_notification_email_message] => Nom d\'utilisateur : [user_login]Pour définir votre mot de passe, visitez l\'adresse suivante :[set_password_url] [reset_password_email_message] => Bonjour !Vous nous avez demandé de réinitialiser votre mot de passe pour votre compte en utilisant l\'adresse e-mail [user_login].Si c\'était une erreur, ou si vous n\'avez pas demandé la réinitialisation du mot de passe, ignorez simplement ce courriel et rien ne se passera.Pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe, visitez l\'adresse suivante :[reset_password_url]Merci ! [user_mention_notify] => 1 [user_mention_email_subject] => Vous avez été mentionné dans le forum post [user_mention_email_message] => Bonjour [mentioned-user-name]!Vous avez été mentionné dans un post sur \"[topic-title]\" par [author-user-name].Publier l\'URL: [post-url] [overwrite_reset_password_email_message] => 1 ) Array ( [user-admin-bar] => 0 [page-title] => 1 [top-bar] => 1 [top-bar-search] => 1 [breadcrumb] => 1 [footer-stat] => 1 [mention-nicknames] => 1 [content-do_shortcode] => 0 [view-logging] => 1 [track-logging] => 1 [author-link] => 0 [comment-author-link] => 0 [user-register] => 1 [user-register-email-confirm] => 1 [register-url] => 0 [login-url] => 0 [resetpass-url] => 0 [replace-avatar] => 1 [avatars] => 1 [custom-avatars] => 1 [signature] => 1 [rating] => 1 [rating_title] => 1 [member_cashe] => 1 [object_cashe] => 1 [html_cashe] => 0 [memory_cashe] => 1 [seo-title] => 1 [seo-meta] => 1 [seo-profile] => 1 [rss-feed] => 1 [font-awesome] => 1 [bp_profile] => 0 [bp_activity] => 1 [bp_notification] => 1 [bp_forum_tab] => 1 [um_profile] => 0 [um_forum_tab] => 0 [um_notification] => 0 [user-synch] => 0 [role-synch] => 1 [output-buffer] => 1 [wp-date-format] => 0 [subscribe_conf] => 1 [subscribe_checkbox_on_post_editor] => 1 [subscribe_checkbox_default_status] => 0 [attach-media-lib] => 1 [debug-mode] => 1 [copyright] => 0 [profile] => 1 [notifications] => 1 [notifications-live] => 0 [notifications-bar] => 1 [goto-unread] => 1 [goto-unread-button] => 0 [disable_new_user_admin_notification] => 1 [option_cache] => 1 [admin-cp] => 1 ) Array ( [font_size_forum] => 17 [font_size_topic] => 18 [font_size_post_content] => 14 [custom_css] => #wpforo #wpforo-wrap {font-size: 13px; width: 100%; padding:10px 20px; margin:0px;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-tags a:link {font-size: 11px;line-height: inherit;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-2 .wpforo-forum-description {font-size: 16px!important;line-height: 22px!important;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-2 .wpforo-category{clear: both;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-feed {font-size: 15px;padding-top: 0px;text-transform: none} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-feed span{padding-left: 4px;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-2 .wpforo-topic-start-info {font-size: 14px; padding: 3px 0px 0px 0px;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-2 .wpforo-post .wpf-left .author-name {font-size: 18px;font-weight: normal;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-2 .wpforo-last-post-title {font-size: 17px;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-stat-body .wpf-last-info p.wpf-stat-other {font-size: 15px;line-height: 22px;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-stat-body .wpf-last-info p.wpf-forum-icons span, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-stat-body .wpf-last-info p.wpf-topic-icons span {font-size: 14px;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-stat-body .wpf-last-info p.wpf-forum-icons span.wpf-stat-label, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-stat-body .wpf-last-info p.wpf-topic-icons span.wpf-stat-label {font-size: 15px;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-stat-body {padding: 12px 3% 40px 3%;} @media screen and (max-width:480px) { #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-main, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn {padding: 0px 15px!important;}} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-unread-forum .wpforo-forum-title a{line-height: 28px;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-breadcrumb {content: \'\'; position: absolute; top: 0;right: -8px!important; width: 24px!important; height: 24px!important;} #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-2 .wpf-sb-top, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .wpf-sb-top {padding: 10px 0px 0px 10px;} ) Array ( [id] => classic [name] => Classic [version] => 1.4.0 [description] => Main wpForo Stylesheet [author] => gVectors Team [url] => [file] => classic/style.css [folder] => classic [layouts] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [name] => QA [version] => 1.0.0 [description] => Q&A Layout turns your forum to a powerful question and answer discussion board. [author] => gVectors Team [url] => [file] => classic/layouts/3/forum.php ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => Threaded [version] => 1.0.0 [description] => Threaded layout turns your forum to a threads list accented on discussion tree view. [author] => gVectors Team [url] => [file] => classic/layouts/4/forum-sub.php ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Extended [version] => 1.0.0 [description] => Extended layout displays one level deeper information in advance. [author] => gVectors Team [url] => [file] => classic/layouts/1/forum.php ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Simplified [version] => 1.0.0 [description] => Simplified layout looks simple and clean. [author] => gVectors Team [url] => [file] => classic/layouts/2/forum.php ) ) [style] => default [styles] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #FFFFFF [2] => #333333 [3] => #555555 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #CCCCCC [8] => #E6E6E6 [9] => #F5F5F5 [10] => #DADADA [11] => #705D5E [12] => #DD6B31 [13] => #705D5E [14] => #705D5E [15] => #705D5E [16] => #705D5E [17] => #937980 [20] => #FF812D [30] => #4DCA5C [31] => #00A636 [32] => #86BA4C [33] => #6FA634 [40] => #FF9595 [41] => #FF7575 [42] => #F46464 ) [red] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #ffffff [2] => #333333 [3] => #555555 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #cccccc [8] => #e6e6e6 [9] => #f5f5f5 [10] => #dadada [11] => #e0141e [12] => #ee1a26 [13] => #fc979c [14] => #e0141e [15] => #99262b [16] => #d61319 [17] => #fff7f7 [20] => #30b2a7 [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #86ba4c [33] => #6fa634 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) [green] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #ffffff [2] => #333333 [3] => #555555 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #cccccc [8] => #e6e6e6 [9] => #f5f5f5 [10] => #dadada [11] => #6ea500 [12] => #649e2d [13] => #8dce0c [14] => #447714 [15] => #5a7f10 [16] => #6ea500 [17] => #f8fcef [20] => #ff812d [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #ff812d [33] => #f47222 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) [orange] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #ffffff [2] => #333333 [3] => #555555 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #cccccc [8] => #e6e6e6 [9] => #f5f5f5 [10] => #dadada [11] => #e0762f [12] => #ff6600 [13] => #fc9958 [14] => #f26000 [15] => #aa4f12 [16] => #f26000 [17] => #fff4ed [20] => #ff812d [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #86ba4c [33] => #6fa634 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) [grey] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #ffffff [2] => #333333 [3] => #343434 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #cccccc [8] => #e6e6e6 [9] => #f5f5f5 [10] => #dadada [11] => #888888 [12] => #666666 [13] => #7eea8d [14] => #777777 [15] => #333333 [16] => #555555 [17] => #dff4ff [20] => #ff812d [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #86ba4c [33] => #6fa634 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) [dark] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #141414 [2] => #bbbbbb [3] => #000000 [4] => #666666 [5] => #bcbcbc [6] => #999999 [7] => #585858 [8] => #727272 [9] => #323232 [10] => #dadada [11] => #888888 [12] => #33779b [13] => #7eea8d [14] => #777777 [15] => #e0e0e0 [16] => #cecece [17] => #33779b [20] => #ff812d [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #86ba4c [33] => #6fa634 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) ) ) classic