Forum Forum Faurum Dyslexie(s) / Dysorthographie Dysphasie Dyspraxie Dysgraphie Dyscalculie TDAH : Troubles de Déficit de l’Attention avec ou sans Hyper Activités Forum Membres Apedys-admin Notifications Clear all Apedys-admin Groupe: Admin Inscription: 2018-09-03 Titre: Membre Admin 3 Réseaux sociaux Activité du membre 56 Messages du forum 7 Topics 0 Questions 0 Réponses 0 Commentaire question 0 Aime 0 J'aime reçus 3/10 Vote 0 Messages blog 0 Commentaires du blog Share: Super Globals Requests: Array ( ) Server: Array ( ) Options and Features permastruct: federation-anapedys-forum use_home_url: 0 url: Array ( [title] => Fédération Anapedys Forum [description] => Fédération Anapedys Forum de discussion [lang] => 1 [menu_position] => 23 ) pageid:14 default_groupid: 3 Array ( [layout_qa_intro_topics_toggle] => 1 [layout_extended_intro_topics_toggle] => 1 [layout_qa_intro_topics_count] => 3 [layout_extended_intro_topics_count] => 5 [layout_qa_intro_topics_length] => 90 [layout_extended_intro_topics_length] => 45 [display_current_viewers] => 1 [layout_threaded_intro_topics_toggle] => 0 [layout_threaded_display_subforums] => 1 [layout_threaded_intro_topics_count] => 10 [layout_threaded_intro_topics_length] => 0 [layout_threaded_filter_buttons] => 1 [layout_threaded_add_topic_button] => 1 ) Array ( [layout_extended_intro_posts_toggle] => 1 [layout_extended_intro_posts_count] => 4 [layout_extended_intro_posts_length] => 50 [recent_posts_type] => topics [tags] => 1 [max_tags] => 5 [tags_per_page] => 100 [topics_per_page] => 10 [edit_topic] => 1 [edit_post] => 1 [eot_durr] => 0 [dot_durr] => 0 [posts_per_page] => 15 [eor_durr] => 0 [dor_durr] => 0 [max_upload_size] => 10485760 [display_current_viewers] => 1 [display_recent_viewers] => 1 [display_admin_viewers] => 1 [attach_cant_view_msg] => Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à afficher cette pièce-jointe [layout_threaded_posts_per_page] => 5 [layout_qa_posts_per_page] => 15 [layout_qa_comments_limit_count] => 3 [layout_qa_first_post_reply] => 1 [layout_threaded_nesting_level] => 5 [layout_threaded_first_post_reply] => 0 [union_first_post] => Array ( [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => 1 [4] => 0 ) [search_max_results] => 100 [topic_body_min_length] => 2 [topic_body_max_length] => 0 [post_body_min_length] => 2 [post_body_max_length] => 0 [comment_body_min_length] => 2 [comment_body_max_length] => 0 ) Array ( [online_status_timeout] => 240 [members_per_page] => 15 [url_structure] => nicename [search_type] => search [login_url] => [register_url] => [lost_password_url] => [redirect_url_after_login] => [redirect_url_after_register] => [redirect_url_after_confirm_sbscrb] => [custom_title_is_on] => 1 [default_title] => Membre [rating] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [points] => 0 [title] => Nouveau membre [color] => #d2d2d2 [icon] => far fa-star-half ) [1] => Array ( [points] => 5 [title] => Membre actif [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [2] => Array ( [points] => 20 [title] => Membre éminent [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [3] => Array ( [points] => 50 [title] => Membre de confiance [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [4] => Array ( [points] => 100 [title] => Membre estimable [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [5] => Array ( [points] => 250 [title] => Membre de bonne réputation [color] => #4dca5c [icon] => fas fa-star ) [6] => Array ( [points] => 500 [title] => Membre d\\\'honneur [color] => #e5d600 [icon] => fas fa-certificate ) [7] => Array ( [points] => 750 [title] => Membre éminent [color] => #e5d600 [icon] => fas fa-certificate ) [8] => Array ( [points] => 1000 [title] => Membre noble [color] => #e5d600 [icon] => fas fa-certificate ) [9] => Array ( [points] => 2500 [title] => Membre célèbre [color] => #ff812d [icon] => fas fa-shield-alt ) [10] => Array ( [points] => 5000 [title] => Membre illustre [color] => #e04a47 [icon] => fas fa-trophy ) ) [rating_title_ug] => Array ( [5] => 1 [4] => 1 [3] => 1 ) [rating_badge_ug] => Array ( [1] => 1 [5] => 1 [4] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 1 ) [title_usergroup] => Array ( [1] => 1 [5] => 1 [4] => 1 [2] => 1 ) [title_second_usergroup] => Array ( [3] => 1 ) ) Array ( [from_name] => Apedys - Forum [from_email] => [admin_emails] => [new_topic_notify] => 1 [new_reply_notify] => 1 [confirmation_email_subject] => Veuillez confirmer l\'abonnement à [entry_title] [confirmation_email_message] => <p>Bonjour [member_name]!<br />Merci de vous inscrire.<br />Il s\'agit d\'une réponse automatisée<br />Il s\'agit d\'une réponse automatiséeIl s\'agit d\'une réponse automatiséeIl s\'agit d\'une réponse<br />automatisée - [entry_title].<br />Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour compléter cette étape.<br />[confirm_link]</p> [new_topic_notification_email_subject] => Nouveau sujet [new_topic_notification_email_message] => <p>Bonjour [member_name]!<br />Un nouveau sujet a été créé sur votre forum abonné - [forum].</p><p><strong>[topic_title]</strong></p><blockquote><p>[topic_desc]</p></blockquote><p> </p><hr /><p>Si vous souhaitez vous désabonner de ce forum, veuillez utiliser le lien ci-dessous.<br />[unsubscribe_link]</p> [new_post_notification_email_subject] => Nouvelle réponse [new_post_notification_email_message] => <p>Bonjour [member_name]!<br />Une nouvelle réponse a été postée sur votre sujet abonné - [topic].</p><p><strong>[reply_title]</strong></p><blockquote><p>[reply_desc]</p></blockquote><p> </p><hr /><p>Si vous souhaitez vous désabonner de cette rubrique, veuillez utiliser le lien ci-dessous.<br />[unsubscribe_link]</p> [report_email_subject] => Forum Post Rapport [report_email_message] => <p><strong>Details du rapport:</strong><br />Raport: [reporter], <br />Message: [message],</p><p>[post_url]</p> [overwrite_new_user_notification_admin] => 1 [wp_new_user_notification_email_admin_subject] => [blogname] Enregistrement d\'un nouvel utilisateur [wp_new_user_notification_email_admin_message] => <p>Enregistrement d\'un nouvel utilisateur sur votre site [blogname]:</p><p>Nom d\'utilisateur : [user_login]</p><p>Courriel : [user_email]</p> [overwrite_new_user_notification] => 1 [wp_new_user_notification_email_subject] => [blogname] Vos informations de nom d\'utilisateur et mot de passe [wp_new_user_notification_email_message] => <p>Nom d\'utilisateur : [user_login]</p><p>Pour définir votre mot de passe, visitez l\'adresse suivante :</p><p>[set_password_url]</p> [reset_password_email_message] => <p>Bonjour !</p><p>Vous nous avez demandé de réinitialiser votre mot de passe pour votre compte en utilisant l\'adresse e-mail [user_login].</p><p>Si c\'était une erreur, ou si vous n\'avez pas demandé la réinitialisation du mot de passe, ignorez simplement ce courriel et rien ne se passera.</p><p>Pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe, visitez l\'adresse suivante :</p><p>[reset_password_url]</p><p>Merci !</p> [user_mention_notify] => 1 [user_mention_email_subject] => Vous avez été mentionné dans le forum post [user_mention_email_message] => <p>Bonjour [mentioned-user-name]!</p><p>Vous avez été mentionné dans un post sur \"[topic-title]\" par [author-user-name].</p><p>Publier l\'URL: [post-url]</p> [overwrite_reset_password_email_message] => 1 ) Array ( [user-admin-bar] => 0 [page-title] => 1 [top-bar] => 1 [top-bar-search] => 1 [breadcrumb] => 1 [footer-stat] => 1 [mention-nicknames] => 1 [content-do_shortcode] => 0 [view-logging] => 1 [track-logging] => 1 [author-link] => 0 [comment-author-link] => 0 [user-register] => 1 [user-register-email-confirm] => 1 [register-url] => 0 [login-url] => 0 [resetpass-url] => 0 [replace-avatar] => 1 [avatars] => 1 [custom-avatars] => 1 [signature] => 1 [rating] => 1 [rating_title] => 1 [member_cashe] => 1 [object_cashe] => 1 [html_cashe] => 0 [memory_cashe] => 1 [seo-title] => 1 [seo-meta] => 1 [seo-profile] => 1 [rss-feed] => 1 [font-awesome] => 1 [bp_profile] => 0 [bp_activity] => 1 [bp_notification] => 1 [bp_forum_tab] => 1 [um_profile] => 0 [um_forum_tab] => 0 [um_notification] => 0 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[author] => gVectors Team [url] => [file] => classic/layouts/3/forum.php ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => Threaded [version] => 1.0.0 [description] => Threaded layout turns your forum to a threads list accented on discussion tree view. [author] => gVectors Team [url] => [file] => classic/layouts/4/forum-sub.php ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => Extended [version] => 1.0.0 [description] => Extended layout displays one level deeper information in advance. [author] => gVectors Team [url] => [file] => classic/layouts/1/forum.php ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Simplified [version] => 1.0.0 [description] => Simplified layout looks simple and clean. [author] => gVectors Team [url] => [file] => classic/layouts/2/forum.php ) ) [style] => default [styles] => Array ( [default] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #FFFFFF [2] => #333333 [3] => #555555 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #CCCCCC [8] => #E6E6E6 [9] => #F5F5F5 [10] => #DADADA [11] => #705D5E [12] => #DD6B31 [13] => #705D5E [14] => #705D5E [15] => #705D5E [16] => #705D5E [17] => #937980 [20] => #FF812D [30] => #4DCA5C [31] => #00A636 [32] => #86BA4C [33] => #6FA634 [40] => #FF9595 [41] => #FF7575 [42] => #F46464 ) [red] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #ffffff [2] => #333333 [3] => #555555 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #cccccc [8] => #e6e6e6 [9] => #f5f5f5 [10] => #dadada [11] => #e0141e [12] => #ee1a26 [13] => #fc979c [14] => #e0141e [15] => #99262b [16] => #d61319 [17] => #fff7f7 [20] => #30b2a7 [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #86ba4c [33] => #6fa634 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) [green] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #ffffff [2] => #333333 [3] => #555555 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #cccccc [8] => #e6e6e6 [9] => #f5f5f5 [10] => #dadada [11] => #6ea500 [12] => #649e2d [13] => #8dce0c [14] => #447714 [15] => #5a7f10 [16] => #6ea500 [17] => #f8fcef [20] => #ff812d [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #ff812d [33] => #f47222 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) [orange] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #ffffff [2] => #333333 [3] => #555555 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #cccccc [8] => #e6e6e6 [9] => #f5f5f5 [10] => #dadada [11] => #e0762f [12] => #ff6600 [13] => #fc9958 [14] => #f26000 [15] => #aa4f12 [16] => #f26000 [17] => #fff4ed [20] => #ff812d [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #86ba4c [33] => #6fa634 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) [grey] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #ffffff [2] => #333333 [3] => #343434 [4] => #666666 [5] => #777777 [6] => #999999 [7] => #cccccc [8] => #e6e6e6 [9] => #f5f5f5 [10] => #dadada [11] => #888888 [12] => #666666 [13] => #7eea8d [14] => #777777 [15] => #333333 [16] => #555555 [17] => #dff4ff [20] => #ff812d [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #86ba4c [33] => #6fa634 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) [dark] => Array ( [0] => #000000 [1] => #141414 [2] => #bbbbbb [3] => #000000 [4] => #666666 [5] => #bcbcbc [6] => #999999 [7] => #585858 [8] => #727272 [9] => #323232 [10] => #dadada [11] => #888888 [12] => #33779b [13] => #7eea8d [14] => #777777 [15] => #e0e0e0 [16] => #cecece [17] => #33779b [20] => #ff812d [30] => #4dca5c [31] => #00a636 [32] => #86ba4c [33] => #6fa634 [40] => #ff9595 [41] => #ff7575 [42] => #f46464 ) ) ) classic